Introduction to PictoBlox

What is PictoBlox?

PictoBlox is a programming software based on Scratch using which you can make interactive games, animations or program robots and projects.

Installing the Software

To begin your programming journey with PictoBlox, you need yo first, well, install it. Follow our instructions given below carefully and you’ll be well on your way!

Windows Installer (.exe)

STEP 1: Download the Pictoblox Installer (.exe) for Windows 7 and above (Release Notes).

STEP 2: Run the .exe file.

Some of the device gives the warning popup. You don’t have to worry, this software is harmless. Click on More info and then click on Run anyway.

STEP 3: Rest of the installation is straight forward, you can follow the popup and check on the option appropriate for your need.

Installing PictoBlox

Your software is now installed!

macOS Installer

STEP 1: Download the Pictoblox Installer (.dmg).

STEP 2: Run the .dmg file.

Mobile App Installer

STEP 1: Open Google Play Store on your Smartphone and and search for PictoBlox or visit the link here to head over to the Google Play Store. You can even scan the QR Code below from your Smartphone to head to the PictoBlox App.

PictoBlox Mobile Application QR Code

STEP 2: Install the PictoBlox App.

evive Notes Icon
In case if you are working in Linux, you can download the PictoBlox from here.

PictoBlox’s Interface

This is what the screen will look like when you open PictoBlox on your desktop:

PictoBlox User Interface

You will learn more about the interface and programming in PictoBlox in the next lesson.